UEI GC6GN6L8MJK9 CAGE 72JA8Bedrock Protection Agency LLC

UEI GC6GN6L8MJK9 CAGE 72JA8Bedrock Protection Agency LLC

Secure Transportation Services for the Wealthy and Prominent

Secure Transportation Services for the Wealthy and Prominent

One of the areas requiring urgent attention by high-profile and otherwise notable individuals relates to secure transportation services. In fact, the wealthy and prominent often falsely believe they are equally safe with a regular chauffeur and a trained security driver. However, that couldn't be farther from the truth. 

We mean no disrespect to the thousands of chauffeurs who do their jobs conscientiously. Many are actually trying to up their game and become security drivers themselves. And yet, for most, there is only so much their skill set will allow them to do.  

For instance, things like full capability control and advanced car mechanics are among the things that warrant the company of a skilled security driver. 

Thus, this article will explore how secure transportation services can vastly increase the likelihood of traveling safely from home to the office and back. 

Protected Mobility

Most protectees and principals want executive protection to ensure their peace of mind. However, many don't even have the time or the know-how to research and select a company that offers: 

  • Adept protection professionals, and 
  • Trained security drivers. 

Similarly, a security professional in this field must not perform two duties simultaneously. In other words, they are either the security driver or the executive protection professional. The two roles don't go together, as it's unreasonable for one person to escort the protectee at embus and debus — and have them constantly scan the environment.  

Helping the protectee understand that makes all the difference in safeguarding them, their family, and their property. Conversely, doing otherwise risks the life of the protectee and the protection team. 

Tactful Behavior and Secure Transportation Services 

Some protectees may be pretty demanding throughout the day. As a result, they may want to do things considered reckless or irresponsible by many. For instance, some countries have red routes on streets, where even dropping off or picking up passengers is illegal. Simply put, it's not allowed to stop your car in this area for any reason. 

Still, the protectee may see something outside and want to get out of the vehicle at the next traffic light. Yet, by the time the security team parks the car in a secure location and finds the principal, the damage might have already been done. 

Further, more persistent protectees may try to find a workaround and ask their security team to stop. That's where secure transportation services can take a dangerous turn. We say this because protection is all about getting buy-in from the persons receiving protective services.  

Suppose the EP team doesn't manage to convince them that it's in their best interest to stay in the vehicle. In this case, the security professionals have probably failed to do their job properly. Therefore, the executive protection team should educate the principal on reducing the risk as much as possible. 

In this sense, security professionals must tactfully liaise with the protectees and not lash out when they don't get their way. 

Note: An added benefit of engaging a security driver is that they can notice if somebody is surveilling the principal. Unlike a regular chauffeur, a security driver detects when threat actors are following them — and knows what to do about it. 

The 90% Driver 

Researchers define driving skills as the percentage of the vehicle a driver can utilize before losing control of the car. Nevertheless, most drivers nowadays can only use up to 40% of the vehicle's capabilities. This puts the vast majority of drivers in a position of subpar performance, including regular chauffeurs. 

The Society of Automotive Engineers recently published a paper indicating that most drivers feel anxious if they use more than 30% of the vehicle's capability. Bearing in mind that the driver's emotional state is inextricably related to driving safety and comfort, it seems indisputable that protectees must seek out professional security drivers who can handle high-stress levels. 

Moreover, a security driver can use up to 90% of a vehicle's capabilities. Other data suggest that security drivers outperform regular ones in emergencies and day-to-day driving. The reason is that they can use braking, cornering, and other driving techniques to get the protectees out of harm's way and fast. 

Ultimately, secure transportation services aren't secure if the driver's ability to concentrate is reduced to shreds. In turn, this vastly diminishes the overall safety of everyone in the vehicle, including: 

  • Protectees and their associates, 
  • Family members, and 
  • Security personnel. 

However, there are other ways in which the protective agents can act proactively instead of waiting for an emergency to occur.

Medical Considerations in Secure Transportation Services 

Executive protection is all about prevention rather than reaction. Prevention implies that the protective staff has done everything in their power to preclude eventualities. In contrast, reaction suggests that they waited for something adverse to happen and then reacted. 

Along similar lines, protectees sometimes suffer from severe health conditions and diseases, including: 

  • High cholesterol, 
  • Diabetes and obesity, 
  • Asthma, 
  • Cancer, 
  • High blood pressure, and 
  • Substance abuse disorders. 

In fact, countless high-ranking individuals have at least one of the above. So in this sense, it's wise for their security team to prepare in case of a stroke, a heart attack, or related circumstances.  

To help their protectees, the executive protection agents could pack IV trauma kits and an automated external defibrillator. But, most importantly, they need to know how to use them when adversity strikes. 

The Golden Hour rule suggests that the first 60 minutes or so from the moment a health emergency arises are the most important in alleviating outcomes. Hence the critical role of secure transportation services and the trained security driver. 

Choosing the Best Vehicles 

Not all cars are appropriate for all conditions. Although most people would indeed like to drive around in a Mercedes Benz for maximum comfort, that may be a bad option in some geographies.  

For instance, driving a Toyota in the African climate and terrain makes more sense than using a limousine. The reason for this is strictly strategic, as the goal of a vehicle should be to get the protectees from one point to another.  

But whatever your car or circumstances, we suggest making sure you engage a trained and skilled security driver. Some of the benefits of doing so include having someone with the ability to use: 

  1. Up to 90% of the car's capabilities in emergencies, 
  2. Medical equipment if a health scare arises,  
  1. Tactful behavior to convince the principal to think of their safety in more advanced terms

Bedrock Special Projects provides peace of mind by implementing secure transportation services to benefit prominent individuals, their families, and corporations. The Art of Executive Protection – Delivered with Elegance by Design.  

Drop us a line to learn more!